How To Pack Better For Your Next Holiday | Contributed Content

Holidays are supposed to be fun, but packing for the trip can sometimes ruin the excitement and bring a sense of overwhelm and frustration. You are usually limited by the size of your suitcase, and the weight the airline dictates. The stress typically means people will leave the packing until the day before. Instead of putting it off to the last minute and rushing your packing, here are some top tips to help you pack better for your next trip, that will make it smooth and easy.

#1 Research The Destination

What you need to pack will entirely depend on where you are going, and how long you are going for. You should start by researching the destination you are travelling to, to learn more about the climate in the season you are travelling, and the activities you may wish to participate in. If you plan to stay in Hamilton Island Apartments, then you are going to require summer clothes, as the weather is typically hot all year round. Alternatively, if you are going to the French Alps to ski, then you will need thick layers. Make sure you also include more formal clothes for eating out, and your shoes.

#2 Make A List

When you know what kind of clothes and items are essential to your trip, you should write a list. This should include everything that you want and need to take on your trip. This will provide you with a plan to follow when it comes to packing, and a checklist to ensure you have not forgotten anything important on the day.
You should split your list into two parts, one for your main suitcase and the other for your carry on luggage. This will help you spread the weight load, and ensure you keep all your essential items on hand and easy to access. You may wish to keep your face creams, makeup and even some spare clothes in your carry-on bag, as well as activities to do on the aeroplane. The spare clothes act as a backup in case the airline loses or delays your bag.

#3 Organise Your Suitcase

You can better organise your suitcase through the use of packing cubes or airtight bags. Packing cubes enable you to separate all of your items, keep your suitcase organised so you can easily pack and unpack, and keep things like your dirty laundry separate. Airtight bags will house your items neatly, and when you are ready to pack, you can remove all the air from the bags. This makes the items much smaller, so you can pack a lot more in your suitcase.

#4 Do A Trial Run

You should do a quick trial run before you are due to leave for your trip. This will enable you to check everything fits, and weigh your suitcase. You don’t want to be rushing last minute, and realise your bag is overweight. This will mean you have to decide what to take out. Doing this in advance will ensure you have enough time to adjust your suitcase if necessary.

Packing doesn’t have to be stressful. Follow these top tips to help your packing process go smoother.

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