Awards Season: The Mystery Blogger Award

I was blessed earlier this week to be nominate for The Mystery Blogger Award by Oddball Content! Thank you sweetheart.


So what is the Mystery Blogger Award? From my 30 seconds of research, I learned that it was started by Okoto Enigma, who writes “I created the award because there are a lot of amazing blogs out there that havenā€™t been discovered… yet. Most of these blogs deserve recognition. For that reason, I decided to create my own award and nominate people who can also nominate others and so on. This is one of the best ways to create a friendly community and build a link between bloggers in the blogosphere as everyone gets nominated and they too can spread the fun by nominating more people for the award.”

“Mystery Blogger AwardĀ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates, it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.”

So, as you may or may not be aware, every one of these peer-nominated blog awards comes with a set of ‘rules’ (let’s face it, their more like 21st century chain mail than actual awards, but they’re good fun and quite interesting…and it’s always flattering to know that somebody has been thinking of you and enjoying your content). The ‘rules’ for the Mystery Blogger Award are as follows:

    1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
    2. List the rules.
    3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
    4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
    5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
    6. You have to nominate 10 ā€“ 20 people.
    7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
    8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
    9. Share a link to your best post(s).the-mystery-bloguer-award.png


So put the logo image in the post (I’ve usedĀ both the original and the one used by my nominator) – check! List the rules – check! Thank and link the nominator’s blog – check! Link to the award creator – check!

So that just leaves the last five rules…


Three Things About Me

  • I’d ask the Sorting Hat to put me in Slytherin, but it wouldn’t put me there.
  • My shoe size is a five and a half and like the rest of me it’s awkward as Hell.
  • My favourite classic Disney movie is either Beauty And The Beast or The Little Mermaid.

My Answers

  • What do you think your life will be like in a year? And in ten years? 

    I have no idea how my life will be in the future – I very much try to live my life one day at a time because if you don’t set yourself up for great things then you can’t be disappointed when it doesn’t work out. This isn’t to say that I don’t have goals, hopes and dreams that I am working towards everyday (or some days, at least) but do I think I will have achieved them this time next year? I have no idea.


  • What is your proudest achievement? 

    Probably graduating with my degree – I’m a bit geeky like that. There was more than one point where I didn’t think that it would happen, so I was pretty chuffed when it did.


  • Apart from blogging, what are your hobbies? 

    Unfortunately blogging probably is my main hobby nowadays! A lot of my hobbies tie in with my work and/or my blog – I like reading, writing and taking photos. I like to go on adventures big and small. I enjoy archery and swimming. If there’s any spare time left (spare time? what’s that?) I have been known to pretend I was the sixth Spice Girl.


  • What is the bravest thing youā€™ve ever done? What would you do if you were a little braver?I swear that sometimes the bravest thing I do is get out of bed in the morning – and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. To be honest I have absolutely no idea – I don’t think I’m a particularly brave person but the sorting hat put me in Gryffindor so…


  • What is one thing you want to learn or change in 2018? 

    I bought myself a ukulele just after Christmas, so I guess it would be pretty fab if I was actually able to learn a note or two (are they even called notes?).


Questions For My Nominees

  1. What is your favourite food and why?
  2. Ā If you had the opportunity to permanantly change from having one dominant hand to be ambidextrous, would you?
  3. What is your favourite flavour of Fruit Pastille?
  4. What is your favourite thing in other people’s blogs? A layout, a topic, a writing style, a photo style, etc.
  5. One year ago, did you imagine your life today would be exactly like it is?

My Nominees

Alphonso White

Midsummer Daydreamer

Ray In The Middle

Kisses Of Confidence

Suzie Speaks

Screen Kicker

Life With Kirsty

Dog Tags, Dolls And Dinosaurs

Words With Winifred

Hannah Ballantyne

Happy Little Lift

It’s Ambar Not Amber

Wanderlust By Kelley

My Best Post

Let’s face it, I have no idea what my best post is ā€“ how do you even measure something like that? My most popular post is apparently To Blog Or Not To Blog, from the old KirstyTTLG with The Unspoken Rules Of Hostelling from KirstyTTLG 2.0 coming a close second.
In terms of which posts I feel are my best? Probably Going Solo, or a lot of people have given me feedback on my post of The Perils Of Being Nice.


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